Power Apps Host Object

Get information about the current host running a Power App

The Power Apps Host object

The new Host object in Power Apps provides information about the current host running the app.

Power Apps Host object.

The Host object does not have any properties that accept formulas but you can call functions against it to retrieve the following information:

  • BrowserUserAgent: The complete user agent string that the browser uses to identify itself when running the app

  • OSType: The name of the operating system where the app is running

  • SessionID: The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that identifies the current session

  • TenantID: The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that specifies the Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant associated with the presently authenticated user

For example, place the following code into a Text label control Text property…

$"Host.BrowserUserAgent: {Host.BrowserUserAgent}

Host.OSType: {Host.OSType}

Host.SessionID: {Host.SessionID}

Host.TenantID: {Host.TenantID}"

…to view output similar to the following in the app:

Power Apps Host object output.

How it can be useful

This information could be useful to know if you’re supporting a Power App and an issue is reported.

For example, several users report the same issue with a Power App and, by knowing this information, you determine that the issue occurs only for users using a certain browser version.

This information could be displayed on screen and / or emailed to an app support email address.

Providing more information to support

To provide even more information to support, consider using the Power Apps User function like this…

$"User().FullName: {User().FullName}

User().Email: {User().Email}"

…to view output similar to the following in the app:

Power Apps User function output.

And also the Office 365 Users connection like this…

$"Office365Users.MyProfile().DisplayName: {Office365Users.MyProfile().DisplayName}

Office365Users.MyProfile().JobTitle: {Office365Users.MyProfile().JobTitle}

Office365Users.MyProfile().Department: {Office365Users.MyProfile().Department}"

…to view output similar to the following in the app:

Power Apps Office 365 Users connection output.

More information

More info on the Power Apps *Host" object here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/power-fx/reference/object-host